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Revision: 6757
at June 12, 2008 22:17 by kossmoss

Initial Code
A few people asked for a users online script/mod. This is how i did it for a friend. Btw it doesn't matter if you use pligg 1.1 or 9.9 it always works.

1. Make a sql base/table.

CREATE TABLE `useronline` (
`timestamp` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`ip` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
`file` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`timestamp`),
KEY `ip` (`ip`),
KEY `file` (`file`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;

2. Make a directory in 3rdparty call it onlineusers, put in this directory the online.php script. Name the script below online.php and put it in onlineusers.

$dbhosta = "localhost";
$dbusera = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // MySQL username
$dbpassa = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // MySQL password
$dbnamea = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // database name

@mysql_select_db($dbnamea) or die("Huh dude no dbase!");

$timeoutseconds = 120; //2 minutes = 120 seconds

$ip = substr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],"."));

$loopcap = 0;
while($loopcap<3 && @mysql_query("INSERT INTO useronline VALUES('". $timestamp ."','". $ip ."','". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ."')"))
{ // In geval van error
$timestamp = $timestamp+$ip{0}; $loopcap++;

@mysql_query("DELETE FROM useronline WHERE timestamp<". $timeout);

$result = @mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM useronline");
$user = @mysql_num_rows($result);


echo ($user == 1) ? $user ."" : $user ."";

3. Edit online.php and give the right dbase info see xxxxxxxx

4. Open footer.tpl and put this line in it, you must edit it with your own path:

The reason why i use the footer so you get no conflict with sql Pligg. Hope you can use it. Bye!

Initial URL

Initial Description


Initial Title
Online users in footer 4 PLigg

Initial Tags


Initial Language