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Revision: 6716
at June 10, 2008 10:55 by 1man

Initial Code
Use of the address microformat
Usually used inside the hCard microformat
<div class="adr">
	<div class="street-address">123 Fake Street</div>
	<div class="extended-address">Fake Floor 1</div>
	<span class="locality">Fake locality</span>
	<span class="region">Fake region</span>
	<span class="postal-code">FAK3 0DE</span>
	<span class="country-name">Fakeland</span>

You could also use an unordered list if needed, useful for website footers

Initial URL

Initial Description
Basic usage of the address microformat.

Initial Title
Use of the adr (address) microformat

Initial Tags

Initial Language