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Revision: 58386
at July 12, 2012 01:08 by reform

Initial Code
g = newScript()
pp = getpropnames renderers.current
ppc = for i in pp collect (try(classof (getproperty renderers.current i))catch("--FAILED"))      
for i in 1 to pp.count do(
     if ppc[i] == String then
           try(format "[%,\"%\"] -- %\n" pp[i] (getproperty renderers.current pp[i]) ppc[i] to:g)catch()
           try(format "[%,%] -- %\n" pp[i] (getproperty renderers.current pp[i]) ppc[i] to:g)catch()

Initial URL

Initial Description
Thanks to Grant from RPManager for writing and sharing this script.

Initial Title
List current render properties and output into a new maxscript window

Initial Tags

Initial Language