Revision: 58162
Updated Code
at July 7, 2012 01:54 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to make the country field parameter optional, to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name, as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library. - NOTE: Code requires that the page using it first includes a reference to JQuery and JSON. Here is a link to a managed CRM solution containing JQuery and JSON2 Web Resources that you can include on your CRM forms: o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", true/false, "address1_country"); */ var _cityTypeName = "Town"; var _stateTypeName = "State"; var _cityDdl; var _savedCity; var _savedState; var _cityFieldName; var _stateFieldName; var _heldState; var _heldStateCode; var _isDropdown; var _matchFound; function ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { _cityFieldName = cityFieldName; _stateFieldName = stateFieldName; _savedCity = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).getValue(); _savedState = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).getValue(); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue("Localizing..."); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(null); _isDropdown = false; if (arguments.length < 4) { abbreviateState = false; } // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // define Yahoo YQL query var wsql = 'select * from geo.places where text="' + zip + '"'; // pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } wsql = wsql + ' and country="' + country + '"'; // get url to Yahoo YQL service var yqlUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(wsql) + '&format=json&callback=?'; _matchFound = false; setTimeout(ResetLocation, 5000); $.getJSON(yqlUrl, function (r) { var city; if (r.query.count == 1) { var node; for (key in { node =[key]; if (node && node.type && node.type == _cityTypeName) { city = node.content; } else if (node && node.type && node.type == _stateTypeName) { _heldState = node.content; if (abbreviateState) { _heldState = node.code.slice(-2); } } } if (city != null && city.length > 0) { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(city); _matchFound = true; _savedCity = city; SetState(); } else { BuildCityDropdown(, _cityFieldName); } } else { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // If zip code is not found, restore the original values Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); } }); } else { // If zip code is not entered, restore the original values Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); } } function ResetLocation() { if (!_matchFound) { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); } } function SetState() { var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName); if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].text == _heldState) { stateAttribute.setValue(options[i].value); _savedState = options[i].value; } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(_heldState); _savedState = _heldState; } } function BuildCityDropdown(woeid, _cityFieldName) { if (woeid != null && woeid.length > 0) { // define Yahoo YQL query for child places var wsql = "select * from geo.places.children where parent_woeid=" + woeid; // get url to Yahoo YQL service var yqlUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(wsql) + '&format=json&callback=?'; $.getJSON(yqlUrl, function (r) { if (r.query.count > 0) { _cityDdl = $("#" + _cityFieldName); _cityDdl.MakeDynamicDropDown(); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.SetDefaultCss( { "background-color" : "Black", "border-radius" : "100px", "width" : $("#" + _cityFieldName).css("width"), "padding" : "10px" }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.SetDefaultItemCss( { "background-color" : "White", "border" : "2px solid #CCC" }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.SetDefaultItemHoverCss( { "background-color" : "#CCC", "border" : "2px solid #333" }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.CreateHeader("Select a City...", { "font-weight" : "bold", "font-style" : "italic" }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.Clear(); var place; for (var i = 0; i < r.query.count; i++) { place =[i]; var node; var innerDiv; for (key in place) { node = place[key]; if (node && node.type && node.type == _cityTypeName) { _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.AddItem(node.content, node.content); } } } _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.bind("itemselected", function () { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.SelectedText()); _matchFound = true; SetState(); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.Close(300); }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.Open(300); } else { alert("Valid city cannot be found"); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); } }); } } $(document).bind('click', function (event) { if (_cityDdl && _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.IsOpen() && _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.TargetIsThis( { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.Close(300); } }); ;(function ($) { var DynamicDropDown = function () { var _ddKey = "dyndd_"; var _background; var _obj; var _spanDiv; var _defaultMap; var _defaultHoverMap; var _items; var _selectedIndex; var _selectedValue; var _selectedText; var _isDropdownOpen; /*********************** Events ***********************/ var onitemselected = null; /*********************** Constructor ***********************/ this.Create = function () { _obj = $('<div id="' + _ddKey + 'Body"></div>'); _obj.css({ 'display' : 'none', 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '0px', 'left' : '0px', 'z-index' : '1001' }); _background = $('<div id="' + _ddKey + 'bg"></div>'); _background.css({ 'display' : 'none', 'background-color' : '#000', 'opacity': '0.8', 'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=80)', 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '0px', 'left' : '0px', 'min-width' : '100%', 'min-height' : '100%', 'width' : '100%', 'height' : '100%', 'z-index' : '1000' }); $(document.body).append(_obj); $(document.body).append(_background); _obj.bind('click', function (event) { if ( + "Item") > -1) { _selectedIndex = parseInt( + "Item", "")); if (!isNaN(_selectedIndex)) { _selectedValue = _items[_selectedIndex].value; _selectedText = _items[_selectedIndex].text; onitemselected(); } } }); _items = []; return _obj; }; /*********************** Public Methods ***********************/ this.SetDefaultCss = function (cssMap) { _obj.css(cssMap); }; this.SetDefaultItemCss = function (cssMap) { _defaultMap = cssMap; }; this.SetDefaultItemHoverCss = function (cssMap) { _defaultHoverMap = cssMap; }; this.CreateHeader = function (text, cssMap) { _spanDiv = $('<div id="' + _ddKey + 'Header"><span>' + text + '</span></div>'); appendDiv(_spanDiv, cssMap); }; this.AddItem = function (value, text, cssMap) { var itemCount = _items.length; _items[itemCount] = { value : value, text : text }; var innerDiv = $('<div id="' + _ddKey + 'Item' + itemCount + '">' + text + '</div>'); innerDiv.mouseover(function () { $(this).css(_defaultHoverMap); }); appendDiv(innerDiv, cssMap); }; this.Open = function (speed) { var parent = window; _obj.css({ "top": ((($(parent).height() - _obj.outerHeight()) / 2) + $(parent).scrollTop() + "px"), "left": ((($(parent).width() - _obj.outerWidth()) / 2) + $(parent).scrollLeft() + "px") }); _background.fadeIn(speed); _obj.fadeIn(speed); _isDropdownOpen = true; }; this.Close = function (speed) { _obj.fadeOut(speed); _background.fadeOut(speed); _isDropdownOpen = false; }; this.IsOpen = function () { return _isDropdownOpen; }; this.SelectedIndex = function () { return _selectedIndex; }; this.SelectedValue = function () { return _selectedValue; }; this.SelectedText = function () { return _selectedText; }; this.Clear = function () { _obj.children().each(function (key, value) { if ( + "Item") > -1) { $(value).remove(); } }); }; this.ClearSelected = function () { _selectedIndex = -1; _selectedValue = ""; _selectedText = ""; }; this.TargetIsThis = function (targetId) { return (targetId.indexOf(_ddKey) > -1); }; this.bind = function (event, handler) { if (event.toLowerCase() == "itemselected") { onitemselected = handler; } }; /*********************** Private Methods ***********************/ var appendDiv = function (div, cssMap) { var newMap = []; for (key in _defaultMap) { newMap[key] = _defaultMap[key]; } for (key in cssMap) { newMap[key] = cssMap[key]; } div.css(newMap); div.mouseout(function () { $(this).css(newMap); }); _obj.append(div); }; }; $.fn.MakeDynamicDropDown = function () { // Return early if this element already has a plugin instance if (this.DynamicDropDown) return; // Store plugin object as a property on the element this.DynamicDropDown = new DynamicDropDown(); this.DynamicDropDown.Create(); }; })(jQuery);
Revision: 58161
Updated Code
at July 7, 2012 01:51 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to make the country field parameter optional, to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name, as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library. - NOTE: Code requires that the page using it first includes a reference to JQuery and JSON. Here is a link to a managed CRM solution containing JQuery and JSON2 Web Resources that you can include on your CRM forms: o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: pccd_ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", true/false, "address1_country"); */ var _cityTypeName = "Town"; var _stateTypeName = "State"; var _cityDdl; var _savedCity; var _savedState; var _cityFieldName; var _stateFieldName; var _heldState; var _heldStateCode; var _isDropdown; var _matchFound; function pccd_ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { _cityFieldName = cityFieldName; _stateFieldName = stateFieldName; _savedCity = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).getValue(); _savedState = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).getValue(); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue("Localizing..."); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(null); _isDropdown = false; if (arguments.length < 4) { abbreviateState = false; } // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // define Yahoo YQL query var wsql = 'select * from geo.places where text="' + zip + '"'; // pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } wsql = wsql + ' and country="' + country + '"'; // get url to Yahoo YQL service var yqlUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(wsql) + '&format=json&callback=?'; _matchFound = false; setTimeout(pccd_ResetLocation, 5000); $.getJSON(yqlUrl, function (r) { var city; if (r.query.count == 1) { var node; for (key in { node =[key]; if (node && node.type && node.type == _cityTypeName) { city = node.content; } else if (node && node.type && node.type == _stateTypeName) { _heldState = node.content; if (abbreviateState) { _heldState = node.code.slice(-2); } } } if (city != null && city.length > 0) { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(city); _matchFound = true; _savedCity = city; pccd_SetState(); } else { pccd_BuildCityDropdown(, _cityFieldName); } } else { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // If zip code is not found, restore the original values Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); } }); } else { // If zip code is not entered, restore the original values Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); } } function pccd_ResetLocation() { if (!_matchFound) { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); } } function pccd_SetState() { var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName); if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].text == _heldState) { stateAttribute.setValue(options[i].value); _savedState = options[i].value; } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(_heldState); _savedState = _heldState; } } function pccd_BuildCityDropdown(woeid, _cityFieldName) { if (woeid != null && woeid.length > 0) { // define Yahoo YQL query for child places var wsql = "select * from geo.places.children where parent_woeid=" + woeid; // get url to Yahoo YQL service var yqlUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(wsql) + '&format=json&callback=?'; $.getJSON(yqlUrl, function (r) { if (r.query.count > 0) { _cityDdl = $("#" + _cityFieldName); _cityDdl.MakeDynamicDropDown(); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.SetDefaultCss( { "background-color" : "Black", "border-radius" : "100px", "width" : $("#" + _cityFieldName).css("width"), "padding" : "10px" }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.SetDefaultItemCss( { "background-color" : "White", "border" : "2px solid #CCC" }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.SetDefaultItemHoverCss( { "background-color" : "#CCC", "border" : "2px solid #333" }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.CreateHeader("Select a City...", { "font-weight" : "bold", "font-style" : "italic" }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.Clear(); var place; for (var i = 0; i < r.query.count; i++) { place =[i]; var node; var innerDiv; for (key in place) { node = place[key]; if (node && node.type && node.type == _cityTypeName) { _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.AddItem(node.content, node.content); } } } _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.bind("itemselected", function () { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.SelectedText()); _matchFound = true; pccd_SetState(); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.Close(300); }); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.Open(300); } else { alert("Valid city cannot be found"); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); } }); } } $(document).bind('click', function (event) { if (_cityDdl && _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.IsOpen() && _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.TargetIsThis( { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_cityFieldName).setValue(_savedCity); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(_stateFieldName).setValue(_savedState); _cityDdl.DynamicDropDown.Close(300); } }); ;(function ($) { var DynamicDropDown = function () { var _ddKey = "dyndd_"; var _background; var _obj; var _spanDiv; var _defaultMap; var _defaultHoverMap; var _items; var _selectedIndex; var _selectedValue; var _selectedText; var _isDropdownOpen; /*********************** Events ***********************/ var onitemselected = null; /*********************** Constructor ***********************/ this.Create = function () { _obj = $('<div id="' + _ddKey + 'Body"></div>'); _obj.css({ 'display' : 'none', 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '0px', 'left' : '0px', 'z-index' : '1001' }); _background = $('<div id="' + _ddKey + 'bg"></div>'); _background.css({ 'display' : 'none', 'background-color' : '#000', 'opacity': '0.8', 'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=80)', 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '0px', 'left' : '0px', 'min-width' : '100%', 'min-height' : '100%', 'width' : '100%', 'height' : '100%', 'z-index' : '1000' }); $(document.body).append(_obj); $(document.body).append(_background); _obj.bind('click', function (event) { if ( + "Item") > -1) { _selectedIndex = parseInt( + "Item", "")); if (!isNaN(_selectedIndex)) { _selectedValue = _items[_selectedIndex].value; _selectedText = _items[_selectedIndex].text; onitemselected(); } } }); _items = []; return _obj; }; /*********************** Public Methods ***********************/ this.SetDefaultCss = function (cssMap) { _obj.css(cssMap); }; this.SetDefaultItemCss = function (cssMap) { _defaultMap = cssMap; }; this.SetDefaultItemHoverCss = function (cssMap) { _defaultHoverMap = cssMap; }; this.CreateHeader = function (text, cssMap) { _spanDiv = $('<div id="' + _ddKey + 'Header"><span>' + text + '</span></div>'); appendDiv(_spanDiv, cssMap); }; this.AddItem = function (value, text, cssMap) { var itemCount = _items.length; _items[itemCount] = { value : value, text : text }; var innerDiv = $('<div id="' + _ddKey + 'Item' + itemCount + '">' + text + '</div>'); innerDiv.mouseover(function () { $(this).css(_defaultHoverMap); }); appendDiv(innerDiv, cssMap); }; this.Open = function (speed) { var parent = window; _obj.css({ "top": ((($(parent).height() - _obj.outerHeight()) / 2) + $(parent).scrollTop() + "px"), "left": ((($(parent).width() - _obj.outerWidth()) / 2) + $(parent).scrollLeft() + "px") }); _background.fadeIn(speed); _obj.fadeIn(speed); _isDropdownOpen = true; }; this.Close = function (speed) { _obj.fadeOut(speed); _background.fadeOut(speed); _isDropdownOpen = false; }; this.IsOpen = function () { return _isDropdownOpen; }; this.SelectedIndex = function () { return _selectedIndex; }; this.SelectedValue = function () { return _selectedValue; }; this.SelectedText = function () { return _selectedText; }; this.Clear = function () { _obj.children().each(function (key, value) { if ( + "Item") > -1) { $(value).remove(); } }); }; this.ClearSelected = function () { _selectedIndex = -1; _selectedValue = ""; _selectedText = ""; }; this.TargetIsThis = function (targetId) { return (targetId.indexOf(_ddKey) > -1); }; this.bind = function (event, handler) { if (event.toLowerCase() == "itemselected") { onitemselected = handler; } }; /*********************** Private Methods ***********************/ var appendDiv = function (div, cssMap) { var newMap = []; for (key in _defaultMap) { newMap[key] = _defaultMap[key]; } for (key in cssMap) { newMap[key] = cssMap[key]; } div.css(newMap); div.mouseout(function () { $(this).css(newMap); }); _obj.append(div); }; }; $.fn.MakeDynamicDropDown = function () { // Return early if this element already has a plugin instance if (this.DynamicDropDown) return; // Store plugin object as a property on the element this.DynamicDropDown = new DynamicDropDown(); this.DynamicDropDown.Create(); }; })(jQuery);
Revision: 58160
Updated Code
at June 29, 2012 04:32 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to make the country field parameter optional, to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name, as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library. - NOTE: Code requires that the page using it first includes a reference to JQuery and JSON. Here is a link to a managed CRM solution containing JQuery and JSON2 Web Resources that you can include on your CRM forms: o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: pccd_ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", true/false, "address1_country"); */ var cityTypeName = "Town"; var stateTypeName = "State"; function pccd_ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue("Localizing..."); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null); if (arguments.length < 4) { abbreviateState = false; } // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // define Yahoo YQL query var wsql = 'select * from geo.places where text="' + zip + '"'; // pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } wsql = wsql + ' and country="' + country + '"'; // get url to Yahoo YQL service yqlUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(wsql) + '&format=json&callback=?'; $.getJSON(yqlUrl, function (r) { var city, state, stateCode; if (r.query.count == 1) { var node; for (key in { node =[key]; if (node && node.type && node.type == cityTypeName) { city = node.content; } else if (node && node.type && node.type == stateTypeName) { state = node.content; stateCode = node.code.slice(-2); } } Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(city); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = state; if (abbreviateState) { stateText = stateCode; } if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options[i].value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } else { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // If zip code is not found set fields to null (state was already cleared at the beginning). Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null); } }); } else { // If zip code is not entered, set fields to null (state was already cleared at the beginning). Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null); } }
Revision: 58159
Updated Code
at June 29, 2012 04:22 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to make the country field parameter optional, to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name, as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library. - NOTE: Code requires that the page using it first includes a reference to JQuery and JSON. o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", true/false, "address1_country"); */ var cityTypeName = "Town"; var stateTypeName = "State"; function ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue("Localizing..."); Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null); if (arguments.length < 4) { abbreviateState = false; } // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // define Yahoo YQL query var wsql = 'select * from geo.places where text="' + zip + '"'; // pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } wsql = wsql + ' and country="' + country + '"'; // get url to Yahoo YQL service yqlUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(wsql) + '&format=json&callback=?'; $.getJSON(yqlUrl, function (r) { var city, state, stateCode; if (r.query.count == 1) { var node; for (key in { node =[key]; if (node && node.type && node.type == cityTypeName) { city = node.content; } else if (node && node.type && node.type == stateTypeName) { state = node.content; stateCode = node.code.slice(-2); } } Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(city); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = state; if (abbreviateState) { stateText = stateCode; } if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } else { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // If zip code is not found set fields to null (state was already cleared at the beginning). Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null); } }); } else { // If zip code is not entered, set fields to null (state was already cleared at the beginning). Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null); } }
Revision: 58158
Updated Code
at June 29, 2012 04:13 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to make the country field parameter optional, to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name, as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library. - NOTE: Code requires that the page using it first includes a reference to JQuery and JSON. o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: pccd_ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", true/false, "address1_country"); */ var cityTypeName = "Town"; var stateTypeName = "State"; function pccd_ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { if (arguments.length < 4) { abbreviateState = false; } // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // define Yahoo YQL query var wsql = 'select * from geo.places where text="' + zip + '"'; // pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } wsql = wsql + ' and country="' + country + '"'; // get url to Yahoo YQL service yqlUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(wsql) + '&format=json&callback=?'; $.getJSON(yqlUrl, function (r) { var city, state, stateCode; if (r.query.count == 1) { var node; for (key in { node =[key]; if (node && node.type && node.type == cityTypeName) { city = node.content; } else if (node && node.type && node.type == stateTypeName) { state = node.content; stateCode = node.code.slice(-2); } } Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(city); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = state; if (abbreviateState) { stateText = stateCode; } if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } else { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // if zip code is not found set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }); } else { // if zip code is not entered, set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }
Revision: 58157
Updated Code
at June 28, 2012 07:29 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library - NOTE: (JQuery must be included on the page that uses this) o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", true/false, "address1_country"); */ function ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // get url to Yahoo geocode service var url = ""; //determine which state text to use var stateKey = "state"; if (arguments.length > 3 && abbreviateState) { stateKey = "statecode"; } //pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } url += "&country=" + country + "&postal=" + zip; $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (httpResponse) { // populate city, state and country in CRM if zip is valid if (httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city") == null) { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // if zip code is not found set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) return; } else { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city").text); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/" + stateKey).text; if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } }); } else { // if zip code is not entered, set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }
Revision: 58156
Updated Code
at June 28, 2012 07:26 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> function ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library - NOTE: (JQuery must be included on the page that uses this) o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", true/false, "address1_country"); */ // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // get url to Yahoo geocode service var url = ""; //determine which state text to use var stateKey = "state"; if (arguments.length > 3 && abbreviateState) { stateKey = "statecode"; } //pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } url += "&country=" + country + "&postal=" + zip; $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (httpResponse) { // populate city, state and country in CRM if zip is valid if (httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city") == null) { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // if zip code is not found set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) return; } else { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city").text); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/" + stateKey).text; if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } }); } else { // if zip code is not entered, set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }
Revision: 58155
Updated Code
at June 28, 2012 07:26 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> function ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library - NOTE: (JQuery must be included on the page that uses this) o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", "address1_country", true/false); */ // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // get url to Yahoo geocode service var url = ""; //determine which state text to use var stateKey = "state"; if (arguments.length > 3 && abbreviateState) { stateKey = "statecode"; } //pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } url += "&country=" + country + "&postal=" + zip; $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (httpResponse) { // populate city, state and country in CRM if zip is valid if (httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city") == null) { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // if zip code is not found set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) return; } else { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city").text); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/" + stateKey).text; if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } }); } else { // if zip code is not entered, set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }
Revision: 58154
Updated Code
at June 28, 2012 07:24 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> function ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, abbreviateState, countryFieldName) { /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library - NOTE: (JQuery must be included on the page that uses this) o Parameters: -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in as "true", it will use the full state name -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", "address1_country", true/false); */ // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // get url to Yahoo geocode service var url = ""; //determine which state text to use var stateKey = "state"; if (arguments.length > 3 && abbreviateState) { stateKey = "statecode"; } //pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 4 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } url += "&country=" + country + "&postal=" + zip; $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (httpResponse) { // populate city, state and country in CRM if zip is valid if (httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city") == null) { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // if zip code is not found set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) return; } else { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city").text); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/" + stateKey).text; if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } }); } else { // if zip code is not entered, set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }
Revision: 58153
Updated Code
at June 28, 2012 07:22 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> function ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, countryFieldName, abbreviateState) { /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library - NOTE: (JQuery must be included on the page that uses this) o Parameters: -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in, it will use the full state name -- usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", "address1_country", true/false); */ // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // get url to Yahoo geocode service var url = ""; //pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 3 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } //determine which state text to use var stateKey = "state"; if (arguments.length > 4 && abbreviateState) { stateKey = "statecode"; } url += "&country=" + country + "&postal=" + zip; $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (httpResponse) { // populate city, state and country in CRM if zip is valid if (httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city") == null) { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // if zip code is not found set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) return; } else { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city").text); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/" + stateKey).text; if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } }); } else { // if zip code is not entered, set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }
Revision: 58152
Updated Code
at June 28, 2012 07:19 by evshell18
Updated Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> function pccd_ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, countryFieldName, abbreviateState) { /* - This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey - This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services - This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality - This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library - NOTE: (JQuery must be included on the page that uses this) o Parameters: -- The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) -- abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in, it will use the full state name -- usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", "address1_country", true/false); */ // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // get url to Yahoo geocode service var url = ""; //pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 3 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } //determine which state text to use var stateKey = "state"; if (arguments.length > 4 && abbreviateState) { stateKey = "statecode"; } url += "&country=" + country + "&postal=" + zip; $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (httpResponse) { // populate city, state and country in CRM if zip is valid if (httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city") == null) { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // if zip code is not found set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) return; } else { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city").text); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/" + stateKey).text; if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } }); } else { // if zip code is not entered, set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }
Revision: 58151
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at June 28, 2012 07:16 by evshell18
Initial Code
///<reference path="XrmPage-vsdoc.js"/> ///<reference path=""/> function pccd_ZipCodeLookup(zipFieldName, cityFieldName, stateFieldName, countryFieldName, abbreviateState) { /* This code originally written in June 2011 by Bill Caldwell ( from McGladrey This code was modified in October 2011 by Bill C to consume the latest yahoo geocode services This code was modified on 5/25/2012 by Bill C to provide international postal code functionality This code was modified on 6/27/2012 by Evan Kaiser to allow the choice of using full or abbreviated state name as well as to provide support for multiple browsers using the JQuery library (JQuery must be included on the page that uses this). The code requires certain IE security settings must be changed (under miscellaneous, change "access data sources across domains" to ‘enable’. The user is not required to enter the country (will default to US) abbreviateState defaults to false, so unless it is specifically passed in, it will use the full state name usage: ZipCodeLookup("address1_postalcode", "address1_city", "address1_stateorprovince", "address1_country", true/false); */ // Verify that the field is valid var zip = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(zipFieldName).getValue(); if (zip != null) { // get url to Yahoo geocode service var url = ""; //pass country var country = null; if (arguments.length > 3 && countryFieldName.length > 0) { country = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldName).getValue(); } if (country == null) { country = "United States"; } //determine which state text to use var stateKey = "state"; if (arguments.length > 4 && abbreviateState) { stateKey = "statecode"; } url += "&country=" + country + "&postal=" + zip; $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false }).done(function (httpResponse) { // populate city, state and country in CRM if zip is valid if (httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city") == null) { alert("ZipCode cannot be found"); // if zip code is not found set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) return; } else { Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/city").text); var stateAttribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName); var stateText = httpResponse.selectSingleNode("ResultSet/Result/" + stateKey).text; if (stateAttribute.getAttributeType() == "optionset") { var options = stateAttribute.getOptions(); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options.text == stateText) { stateAttribute.setValue(options.value); } } } else { stateAttribute.setValue(stateText); } } }); } else { // if zip code is not entered, set fields to null Xrm.Page.getAttribute(cityFieldName).setValue(null) Xrm.Page.getAttribute(stateFieldName).setValue(null) } }
Initial URL
Initial Description
Allows the ability to fill City and State fields in CRM 2011 based on the value of a Zip Code field (and optionally Country). Requires JQuery and JSON Uses Yahoo geocode service Originally written by Bill Caldwell ( )
Initial Title
CRM 2011 Zip Code Lookup
Initial Tags
jquery, json
Initial Language