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Revision: 57998
at June 20, 2012 16:15 by toLL

Updated Code
// Refer 
// for StateCode's (Status) and StatusCode's (Status Reason)

IOrganizationService service;
new_entity record; // a record of new_entity, can be any Entity

var setStateRequest = new SetStateRequest();
setStateRequest.EntityMoniker = new EntityReference(record.LogicalName, record.Id);

// State property corresponds to the StateCode of an Entity. Its' shown as the Status in CRM
setStateRequest.State = new OptionSetValue((int)new_entityState.Inactive);

// Status property corresponds to the StatusCode of an Entity. Its' shown as the StatusReason in CRM
// set this value to -1 to let the system automatically set the appropiate corresponding status value
setStateRequest.Status = new OptionSetValue(-1);

var response = (SetStateResponse)service.Execute(setStateRequest);

Revision: 57997
at June 20, 2012 16:13 by toLL

Initial Code
// Refer 
// for SateCode's (Status) and StatusCode's (Status Reason)

IOrganizationService service;
new_entity record; // a record of new_entity, can be any Entity

var setStateRequest = new SetStateRequest();
setStateRequest.EntityMoniker = new EntityReference(record.LogicalName, record.Id);

// State property corresponds to the StateCode of an Entity. Its' shown as the Status in CRM
setStateRequest.State = new OptionSetValue((int)new_entityState.Inactive);

// Status property corresponds to the StatusCode of an Entity. Its' shown as the StatusReason in CRM
// set this value to -1 to let the system automatically set the appropiate corresponding status value
setStateRequest.Status = new OptionSetValue(-1);

var response = (SetStateResponse)service.Execute(setStateRequest);

Initial URL

Initial Description
How to change Entity StateCode (Status) using SetStateRequest

Initial Title
CRM 2011: Set EntityState using SetStateRequest

Initial Tags

Initial Language