Revision: 57578
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at June 1, 2012 14:24 by planetabhi
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function my_followers_count($screen_name = 'planetabhi'){ $key = 'my_followers_count_' . $screen_name; // Let's see if we have a cached version $followers_count = get_transient($key); if ($followers_count !== false) return $followers_count; else { // If there's no cached version we ask Twitter $response = wp_remote_get("{$screen_name}"); if (is_wp_error($response)) { // In case Twitter is down we return the last successful count return get_option($key); } else { // If everything's okay, parse the body and json_decode it $json = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); $count = $json->followers_count; // Store the result in a transient, expires after 1 day // Also store it as the last successful using update_option set_transient($key, $count, 60*60*24); update_option($key, $count); return $count; } } } echo "I have " . my_followers_count('planetabhi') . " followers";
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Add this snippet to the functions.php to render your twitter followers count. Replace 'planetabhi' with your twitter screen name
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Render your Twitter followers count in your wordpress blog
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wordpress, twitter
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