Revision: 57275
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at May 24, 2012 00:13 by Maximus1983
Initial Code
<script type="text/javascript" src=" KEY&url="> </script>
Initial URL
Initial Description
You will need to get an account at [GrabzIt]( once you have this you need to add your [authorized domain]( this stops people using your account resources. Then get your [application key]( place this where it says APPPLICATION KEY in the snipped below. Change to be the website of your choice. Place this snippet anywhere within the body tag. Your screenshot should appear within a few seconds. You can have as many of these tags on the page as you like. If you need to debug it they have a [diagnostics panel]( there are also [more options]( available.
Initial Title
Create Screenshots with JavaScript
Initial Tags
free, api
Initial Language