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Revision: 56736
at April 13, 2012 01:02 by webonomic

Initial Code
/* This part needs to run just once to establish */
/* the XML map that we'll use to map the Twitter */
/* XML response into a SAS data set              */
filename twsearch temp; 
/** this is the XML map that will convert the RSS search feed 
   into a SAS data set **/
data _null_; 
  infile datalines truncover; 
  file twsearch; 
  input line $1000.; 
  put line; 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<!-- ############################################################ -->
<!-- 2008-10-03T11:35:31 -->
<!-- SAS XML Libname Engine Map -->
<!-- Generated by XML Mapper, 902000.2.1.20080911191346_v920 -->
<!-- ############################################################ -->
<SXLEMAP name="SXLEMAP" version="1.2">
    <!-- ############################################################ -->
    <TABLE name="entry">
        <TABLE-PATH syntax="XPath">/feed/entry</TABLE-PATH>
        <COLUMN name="id">
            <PATH syntax="XPath">/feed/entry/id</PATH>
        <COLUMN name="published">
            <PATH syntax="XPath">/feed/entry/published</PATH>
            <FORMAT width="19">IS8601DT</FORMAT>
            <INFORMAT width="19">IS8601DT</INFORMAT>
        <COLUMN name="title">
            <PATH syntax="XPath">/feed/entry/title</PATH>
        <COLUMN name="content">
            <PATH syntax="XPath">/feed/entry/content</PATH>
        <COLUMN name="updated">
            <PATH syntax="XPath">/feed/entry/updated</PATH>
            <FORMAT width="19">IS8601DT</FORMAT>
            <INFORMAT width="19">IS8601DT</INFORMAT>
        <COLUMN name="authorName">
            <PATH syntax="XPath">/feed/entry/author/name</PATH>
        <COLUMN name="authorUri">
            <PATH syntax="XPath">/feed/entry/author/uri</PATH>
/** this macro makes it simple to get several "pages" worth of tweets **/
%macro getTweets(pages=5,hashtag=sasgf11,scale=HOURS);
   %if &scale = HOURS %then
         %let scaleVar = hoursAgo;
   %else %if &scale = MINUTES %then
         %let scaleVar = minutesAgo;
   %else %if &scale = DAYS %then
         %let scaleVar = daysAgo;
   /* create initial dataset */
   data work.feed;
%do pgNo=1 %to &pages;
  /* used %NRSTR() to escape the ampersands that occur in this URL query string */
  /* &hashtag and &pgNo are macro variables that are resolved at run time       */
  %let feed="";
  filename twit URL &feed
     /* if you need to specify a proxy server to get to the internet */
     /* proxy=""  */
  /* use the XML library engine */
  libname tf XML xmlfileref=twit xmlmap=twsearch;
  data work.feed;
	   /* when run in SAS Enterprise Guide, SYSECHO will */
	   /* update the task status with this message       */
     sysecho "Fetching tweet page &pgNo of &pages";
     set work.feed tf.entry;

   data work.feed;
      set work.feed;
      length hoursAgo 8 minutesAgo 8 daysAgo 8;
      label hoursAgo = "Hours ago"
            minutesAgo = "Minutes ago"
            daysAgo = "Days ago";
      if published not = .;
      daysAgo = datdif(datepart(published),today(),'act/act');
      hoursAgo = int( (datetime()-published) / 3600 );
      minutesAgo = int( (datetime()-published) / 60 );
   title "Report of #&hashtag. hashtag activity";
   title2 "as of %TRIM(%QSYSFUNC(DATE(), NLDATE20.)) at %TRIM(%SYSFUNC(TIME(), TIMEAMPM12.))";
   ods graphics / height=500 width=800;
   proc sgplot data=work.feed;
      vbar &scaleVar;
      yaxis LABEL="Number of tweets";
      xaxis discreteorder=data;
   proc print data=work.feed
      obs="Row Number"
      format published dateampm20.;
      var published authorname title;
/* for high-volume topics, set the scale to MINUTES */
/* or HOURS for more interesting reports            */
/* example call to find #SASGF11 tweets */
%getTweets(pages=10, hashtag=sasgf11, scale=DAYS);

Initial URL

Initial Description
The program uses the XML LIBNAME engine, FILENAME URL, SGPLOT procedure, and a simple PROC PRINT to create a report of recent Twitter activity around a specified hashtag.

Initial Title
Creating a report of Twitter hashtag activity

Initial Tags
xml, twitter

Initial Language