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Revision: 6134
at April 30, 2008 03:13 by tkf

Initial Code
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>

int main(int,char*[])
  typedef std::pair<int,int> Edge;
  Edge used_by[] = {
    Edge(1, 5), Edge(1, 7), Edge(1, 2), Edge(2, 7), Edge(2, 12),
    Edge(3, 7), Edge(3, 10), Edge(3, 12),
    Edge(4, 5), Edge(5, 6),Edge(6, 9),Edge(7, 8),Edge(8, 9),Edge(9, 14),
    Edge(10, 11),Edge(11, 14),Edge(12, 13),Edge(13, 14),Edge(14, 15)
  const int nedges = sizeof(used_by)/sizeof(Edge);
  double weights[nedges];
  std::fill(weights, weights + nedges, 1.0);
  weights[1] = 0.5;
  weights[2] = 1.5;
  weights[3] = 2.5;

  using namespace boost;

  typedef adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, directedS, 
    property< vertex_color_t, default_color_type >,
    property< edge_weight_t, double >
    > Graph;
  Graph g_write(used_by, used_by + nedges, weights, 16);

  // write
  dynamic_properties dp;"weight", get(edge_weight, g_write));"node_id", get(vertex_index, g_write));
  std::ofstream ofs( "" );
  write_graphviz(ofs, g_write, dp);

  return 0;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
boost/graph/graphviz.hpp : example of  write_graphviz

Initial Tags

Initial Language