Revision: 52726
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at October 31, 2011 20:13 by mrowken
Initial Code
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include Z_GET_PERSON_DATA_PROGRAM_TOP Module Pool Z_GET_PERSON_DATA_PROGRAM *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* PROGRAM z_get_person_data_program. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module READ_PESEL INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Global data declarations DATA: gr_regex TYPE REF TO cl_abap_regex, gr_matcher TYPE REF TO cl_abap_matcher, ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm, pesel_input TYPE zzpersons-pesel, name_output TYPE zzpersons-name, surname_output TYPE zzpersons-surname, birthdate_output TYPE dats, g_msg TYPE c, g_out TYPE string. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * MODULE READ_PESEL INPUT *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE read_pesel INPUT. IF ok_code EQ 1. g_out = pesel_input. CREATE OBJECT gr_regex EXPORTING pattern = `{11}`. gr_matcher = gr_regex->create_matcher( text = g_out ). IF gr_matcher->match( ) IS INITIAL. MESSAGE 'Pesel must consist of 11 numeral' TYPE 'I' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'Z_SAP_PERSON_DATA' DESTINATION 'ZPLASAPBC' EXPORTING i_pesel = pesel_input IMPORTING e_name = name_output e_surname = surname_output e_birthdate = birthdate_output EXCEPTIONS no_input_given = 1 communication_failure = 2 MESSAGE g_msg system_failure = 3 MESSAGE g_msg OTHERS = 4. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 1. g_out = 'Exception received: NO_INPUT_GIVEN' . WHEN 2. CONCATENATE 'COMMUNICATION_FAILURE received:' g_msg INTO g_out SEPARATED BY space. WHEN 3. CONCATENATE 'SYSTEM_FAILURE received:' g_msg INTO g_out SEPARATED BY space. WHEN 4. g_out = 'Exception received: OTHERS'. ENDCASE. IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE g_out. ENDIF. "MESSAGE g_msg TYPE 'I'. MESSAGE 'Pesel OK' TYPE 'S'. ENDIF. ENDIF. " LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. ENDMODULE. " READ_PESEL INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module CHECK_INPUT INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE check_input INPUT. ENDMODULE. " CHECK_INPUT INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module EXIT INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE exit INPUT. CASE ok_code. WHEN 'CANCEL'. CLEAR ok_code. LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. WHEN 'EXIT'. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDCASE. ENDMODULE. " EXIT INPUT
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Calling service on BC via RFC
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