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Revision: 50505
at August 25, 2011 02:20 by rtperson

Updated Code
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List

list = "abcdefghijklmnop"

-- the trivial version
removeAt n xs = take (n-1) xs ++ (drop n) xs

-- now new and improved! with Arrows for ultra-obfuscation!
removeAt' :: (Arrow cat) => Int -> cat [a] [a]
removeAt' n = arr(\ xs -> (xs,xs)) >>> arr (take (n-1)) *** arr (drop n) 
                    >>> arr (uncurry (++)) >>> returnA

   the arrowed function is easier to understand in its sugary form
   NOTE: the head and tail of the arrows are lambda values, so they
   can't be used inside the arrow's machinery. Also, to use this 
   notation, you'll need the LANGUAGE Arrows pragma
removeAt'' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeAt'' n = proc things -> do
    (begin, end) <- (\xs -> (xs, xs)) -< things
    begin' <- take (n-1) -< begin
    end' <- drop n -< end
    newlist <- uncurry (++) -< (begin', end')
    returnA -< newlist

-- This is equivalent, and shows how proc notation can
-- simplify things
removeAt''' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeAt''' n = proc things -> do
    begin <- take (n-1) -< things
    end <- drop n -< things
    returnA -< begin ++ end
main = do
    putStrLn list
    putStrLn $ removeAt 3 list
    putStrLn $ removeAt' 5 list
    putStrLn $ removeAt'' 9 list

Revision: 50504
at August 25, 2011 02:14 by rtperson

Updated Code
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List

list = "abcdefghijklmnop"

-- the trivial version
removeAt n xs = take (n-1) xs ++ (drop n) xs

-- now new and improved! with Arrows for ultra-obfuscation!
removeAt' :: (Arrow cat) => Int -> cat [a] [a]
removeAt' n = arr(\ xs -> (xs,xs)) >>> arr (take (n-1)) *** arr (drop n) 
                    >>> arr (uncurry (++)) >>> returnA

   the arrowed function is easier to understand in its sugary form
   NOTE: the head and tail of the arrows are lambda values, so they
   can't be used inside the arrow's machinery. Also, to use this 
   notation, you'll need the LANGUAGE Arrows pragma
removeAt'' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeAt'' n = proc things -> do
    (begin, end) <- (\xs -> (xs, xs)) -< things
    begin' <- take (n-1) -< begin
    end' <- drop n -< end
    newlist <- uncurry (++) -< (begin', end')
    returnA -< newlist
main = do
    putStrLn list
    putStrLn $ removeAt 3 list
    putStrLn $ removeAt' 5 list
    putStrLn $ removeAt'' 9 list

Revision: 50503
at August 25, 2011 02:11 by rtperson

Updated Code
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List

-- the trivial version
removeAt n xs = take (n-1) xs ++ (drop n) xs

-- now new and improved! with Arrows for ultra-obfuscation!
removeAt' :: (Arrow cat) => Int -> cat [a] [a]
removeAt' n = arr(\ xs -> (xs,xs)) >>> arr (take (n-1)) *** arr (drop n) 
                    >>> arr (uncurry (++)) >>> returnA

   the arrowed function is easier to understand in its sugary form
   NOTE: the head and tail of the arrows are lambda values, so they
   can't be used inside the arrow's machinery. Also, to use this 
   notation, you'll need the LANGUAGE Arrows pragma
removeAt'' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeAt'' n = proc things -> do
    (begin, end) <- (\xs -> (xs, xs)) -< things
    begin' <- take (n-1) -< begin
    end' <- drop n -< end
    newlist <- uncurry (++) -< (begin', end')
    returnA -< newlist

Revision: 50502
at August 25, 2011 01:59 by rtperson

Updated Code
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List

-- the trivial version
removeAt n xs = take (n-1) xs ++ (drop n) xs

-- now new and improved! with Arrows for ultra-obfuscation!
removeAt' :: (Arrow cat) => Int -> cat [a] [a]
removeAt' n = arr(\ xs -> (xs,xs)) >>> arr (take (n-1)) *** arr (drop n) 
                    >>> arr (uncurry (++)) >>> returnA

Revision: 50501
at August 25, 2011 01:54 by rtperson

Initial Code
-- the trivial version
removeAt n xs = take (n-1) xs ++ (drop n) xs

-- now new and improved! with Arrows for ultra-obfuscation!
removeAt' :: (Arrow cat) => Int -> cat [a] [a]
removeAt' n = arr(\ xs -> (xs,xs)) >>> arr (take (n-1)) *** arr (drop n) 
                    >>> arr (uncurry (++)) >>> returnA

Initial URL

Initial Description
problem 20, (*) Remove the K'th element from a list

    *Main> removeAt 1 "abcd"

Trivial using a pure function. A bit more challenging if you use this problem to work up your Arrow-fu.

Initial Title
Haskell 99 Problems - Number 20,  Arrowed!

Initial Tags

Initial Language