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Revision: 5858
at April 8, 2008 17:01 by paragjagdale

Updated Code
public enum PayTypeList




PayTypeList payType = (PayTypeList)Enum.Parse(typeof(PayTypeList), "Hourly");

// Throws an ArgumentException if the string is found not to be one of the members of the enum (in this case, if you pass in a string "Weekly" instead of "Hourly", it will throw an ArgumentException)

Revision: 5857
at April 8, 2008 11:56 by paragjagdale

Initial Code
public PayTypeList StringToYourEnumType(string Paytype)
	foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof(PayTypeList).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static))
                if (Paytype.CompareTo(fi.Name.ToString().ToLower()) == 0)
                    return (PayTypeList)fi.GetValue(null);
            return PayTypeList.Unknown;

// Useage
 public enum PayTypeList




PayTypeList payType = ConvertStateEnumeration("Hourly");

Initial URL

Initial Description
This snippet accepts a string which is assumed to be the string version of one of the members and returns an enum object with the respective member selected.*

*Thanks to user: mcbutterbuns for improving upon my version of this snippet

Initial Title
Convert a string to its respective Enum member

Initial Tags

Initial Language