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Revision: 5649
at March 22, 2008 21:47 by kangell

Initial Code
#!/usr/bin/env python
appname v1.0.1 Copyright(c) 2008; Me, Inc.

Description of the program

usage:  appname [-g config ] 
-g			config file (default is /usr/local/etc/mcp.conf)

import os, sys, time, string, traceback

def _banner():
	Displays a banner announcing what this program is and what it does.
	import string

	doc = string.split( __doc__, '\n' )
	s = doc[1] + '\n' + doc[3]
	n = 4
	while doc[n][:6] != 'usage:':
		s = s + '\n' + doc[n]
		n = n + 1
	return s + '\n'

def _usage():
	Displays the command line arguments for this application.

	import string

	print _banner()

	doc = string.split( __doc__, '\n' )
	n = 0
	while ( doc[n][:6] != 'usage:' ):
		n = n + 1
	s = doc[n]
	n = n + 1
	while ( len(doc[n]) ):
		s = s + '\n' + doc[n]
		n = n + 1
	return s + '\n'
def _processOpts():

	# Process command line options
	import getopt, sys
		# If the option takes a parameter, don't forget to add
		# a colon immediately after the parameter.
		opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "g:", "" )
		print _usage()
		sys.exit( 1 )

	config = 'config.file'
	for o, a in opts:

		if o == "-g":
			config = a
			# we don't know this command line option
			print _usage()
			sys.exit( 1 )	

	return config

# If this module is being run as the main module
if __name__ == "__main__":

	# Get our command line options
	config = _processOpts()

Initial URL

Initial Description
Use this to start of new python applications.

Initial Title
New Python App Shell

Initial Tags
template, python

Initial Language