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Revision: 5590
at March 18, 2008 02:43 by webStruck_

Updated Code
{*}<h2>{%}</h2>{%}</div><ul class="{*}">{%}</ul>{*}<a class="commentslink" href="{%}">{*}</a>

Revision: 5589
at March 18, 2008 02:40 by webStruck_

Updated Code
{*}<h2>{%}</h2>{%}</div><ul class="{*}">{%}</ul>{*}<a class="commentslink" href="{%}">{*}</a>

<!-- Compared to the original pattern extraction, I used <ul class="{*}"> instead of <div class="{*}"> -->

Revision: 5588
at March 18, 2008 02:35 by webStruck_

Updated Code
{*}<h2>{%}</h2>{%}</div><ul class="{*}">{%}</ul>{*}<a class="commentslink" href="{%}">{*}</a>

//Compared to the original pattern extraction, I used <ul class="{*}"> instead of <div class="{*}">

Revision: 5587
at March 18, 2008 02:29 by webStruck_

Initial Code
{*}<h2>{%}</h2>{%}</div><ul class="{*}">{%}</ul>{*}<a class="commentslink" href="{%}">{*}</a>

Initial URL

Initial Description
Are you looking for the RSS feed of your/someone else's DeviantArt Journal? Follow the tutorial on the link above. I used this pattern since the given pattern (above) was linking to a wrong page.

Compared to the original pattern extraction, I used:
ul class="{*}" 

instead of
div class="{*}"

This is Feed43's extraction search pattern for DeviantArt Journal.

Initial Title
Extraction Search Pattern

Initial Tags

Initial Language