Revision: 47089
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at June 1, 2011 01:00 by rtperson
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{- Ex 1: Use a fold (choosing the appropriate fold will make your code much simpler) to rewrite and improve upon the asInt function from the section called “Explicit recursionâ€. Your function should behave as follows. ghci> asInt_fold "101" 101 ghci> asInt_fold "-31337" -31337 ghci> asInt_fold "1798" 1798 Extend your function to handle the following kinds of exceptional conditions by calling error. ghci> asInt_fold "" 0 ghci> asInt_fold "-" 0 ghci> asInt_fold "-3" -3 ghci> asInt_fold "2.7" *** Exception: Char.digitToInt: not a digit '.' ghci> asInt_fold "314159265358979323846" 564616105916946374 -} import Data.Char (digitToInt) -- we'll need ord import Data.List (foldl') -- powTen was originally a one-liner. I'm trying to guard against an int overflow, -- but haven't yet found a way to successfully do so. asInt_fold :: String -> Int asInt_fold [] = error "String is empty" asInt_fold "-" = error "dash is not a number" asInt_fold ('-':xs) = (-1) * asInt_fold xs asInt_fold str = foldl' powTen 0 str where maxis = maxBound::Int powTen n ch | n > (maxis) = error "overflow of int" | otherwise = n * 10 + (digitToInt ch)
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The first fold exercise from RWH, Chapter 4
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Real World Haskell Exercise - Ch 4
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