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Revision: 46927
at May 27, 2011 18:43 by Maikel

Initial Code
Dim myBar As CommandBar, myButt As CommandBarControl  

'Delete the toolbar if it already exists' 
On Error Resume Next  
CommandBars("My Toolbar").Delete  
On Error Goto 0 

Set myBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:="My Toolbar", Position:=msoBarFloating, Temporary:=True)  
myBar.Visible = True  

' Create a button with text on the bar and set some properties.' 
Set myButt = ComBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)  
With myButt 
    .Caption = "Macro1"  
    .Style = msoButtonCaption  
    .TooltipText = "Run Macro1"  
    .OnAction = "Macro1"  
End With  

' Create a button with an image on the bar and set some properties.' 
Set myButt = ComBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)  
With myButt   
     'the faceId line will let you choose an icon' 
     ' If you choose to use the faceId then the caption is not displayed' 
    .FaceId = 1000  
    .Caption = "Icon Button"  
    .TooltipText = "Run Macro2"  
    .OnAction = "Macro2"  
End With

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Create a Toolbar in excel

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Visual Basic