Return to Snippet

Revision: 46913
at May 27, 2011 10:34 by marlu

Initial Code
Imports CookComputing.XmlRpc

Public Enum SnipplrKey
    Valid = 1
    Invalid = 0
End Enum

Public Enum SnipplrSnippetDelete
    Successful = 1
    Unseccessful = 0
End Enum

Public Structure update
    Public datetime As DateTime
    Public timezone As String
End Structure

Public Structure SnipplrSnippetsList
    Public id As String
    Public title As String
    Public updated As update
End Structure

Public Structure SnipplrSnippet
    Public id As String
    Public user_id As String
    Public username As String
    Public title As String
    Public language As String
    Public comment As String
    Public created As String
    Public updated As String
    Public source As String
    Public tags As String
    Public snipplr_url As String
End Structure

<XmlRpcUrl("")> _
Public Interface SnipplrIntf
    Inherits IXmlRpcProxy

    <XmlRpcMethod("user.checkkey")> _
    Function CheckUserKey(ByVal api_key As String) As Integer

    <XmlRpcMethod("snippet.list")> _
    Function GetSnippetsList(ByVal api_key As String) As SnipplrSnippetsList()

    <XmlRpcMethod("snippet.get")> _
    Function GetSnippet(ByVal snippet_id As String) As SnipplrSnippet

    <XmlRpcMethod("")> _
    Function PostSnippet(ByVal api_key As String, ByVal title As String, ByVal code As String, ByVal tags As String, ByVal language As String) As String

    <XmlRpcMethod("snippet.delete")> _
    Function DeleteSnippet(ByVal api_key As String, ByVal snippet_id As String) As Integer

End Interface

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Full snipplr API structures and interfaces

Initial Tags

Initial Language