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Revision: 46859
at May 26, 2011 22:51 by kfiil

Initial Code
 * Theme a image from a CCK Image Field with either theme('image'...) or theme('imagecache'...)
 * @param array $imageCckField The CCK Image field array usually called with: $node->field_tools_image[0] for example
 * @param array $attributes Associative array of attributes to be placed in the img tag for example array('class' => 'link')
 * @param string Imagecache preset

 * @return string A string containing the image tag.
 * @link theme_image
 * @link Imagecache: dynamic image manipulation
function _fremtidslaboratoriet_themeImage($imageCckField, $attributes = array(), $imagecachePreset = NULL)
	$returnValue = NULL;
	$filepath = $imageCckField['filepath'];
	$alt = $imageCckField['data']['alt'];
	$title = $imageCckField['data']['title'];
		return NULL;
	if ($imagecachePreset == NULL)
	    $returnValue = theme('image', $filepath, $alt, $title, $attributes);	   
		$returnValue = theme('imagecache', $imagecachePreset,$filepath, $alt, $title,  $attributes); 
	return $returnValue;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Theme a image from a CCK Image Field with either theme('image'...) or theme('imagecache'...)

Initial Tags
template, drupal

Initial Language