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Revision: 46540
at May 21, 2011 02:30 by valessiobrito

Updated Code
for ii in `file .mozilla/firefox/*/Cache/*/*/* | grep image | cut -d":" -f1` ; do
echo "<img src=\"$ii\" style=\"float: left; height: 50px;\" />"  ; done > ~/artcache.html 
firefox ~/artcache.html

Revision: 46539
at May 21, 2011 02:24 by valessiobrito

Initial Code
for ii in `file .mozilla/firefox/*/Cache/*/*/* | grep image | cut -d":" -f1` ; do echo "<img src=\"$ii\" style=\"float: left;\" />"  ; done > ~/artcache.html ; firefox ~/artcache.html

Initial URL

Initial Description

In the "style=" you can adjust the "height: ??px" according to the quantity of items in your cache.

Initial Title
ART: Personal Internet Cache Archive

Initial Tags

Initial Language