Revision: 46282
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at May 16, 2011 22:38 by hugosolar
Initial Code
function select_custom_posts($selected){ $out.='<select name="'.$this->get_field_name('ctype').'" >'; $out.='<option value="">Seleccione un tipo</option>'; $args=array( '_builtin' => false ); $post_types=get_post_types($args,'names'); foreach ($post_types as $post_type ) { $selec=($selected==$post_type)?'selected':''; $out.= '<option value="'.$post_type.'" '.$selec.'>'. $post_type. '</option>'; } $out.='</select>'; echo $out; }
Initial URL
Initial Description
this creates a function inside a widget object to create a dropdown menu with all the custom post types created in wordpress functions.
Initial Title
Get custom post types inside a wordpress widget
Initial Tags
post, wordpress
Initial Language