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Revision: 45934
at May 11, 2011 08:27 by michanne

Initial Code
$path = 'C:\SQL'
#cd $path
$dest = "$path\rptdependencies.txt"

#Gets a list of all rdl files in the directory.
$files = dir | select Name | where{$_.Name -like "*.rdl"}

#writes the path to a file.
set-content $dest -value $path

foreach($file in $files)  {
$xml = [xml](get-content $file.Name)

#prints a line for the name of the file.
add-content $dest $

#prints a line for each command text entry in the file. See RDL schema for other fields.
$xml.Report.DataSets.DataSet |foreach{$_.Query.CommandText + "|"| add-content $dest}

#Returns the output.
get-content $dest

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
SSRS RDL File Command Text

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Windows PowerShell