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Revision: 45415
at April 29, 2011 19:52 by dimian12

Initial Code
/// <summary>
/// Returns the username of the currently logged in user
/// </summary>        
private string CurrentUserName()
    string userName = "NA";
    SPContext currentContext;
        //Getting the current context                
        currentContext = SPContext.Current;
    catch (InvalidOperationException)
       currentContext = null;
    if (currentContext != null && currentContext.Web.CurrentUser != null)
       userName = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName;

    return userName;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Returns the username (domain\username) of the user that is currently logged in sharepoint. Can be used inside features / custom pages

Initial Title
Name of currently logged in user in sharepoint

Initial Tags

Initial Language