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Revision: 45372
at April 29, 2011 01:43 by scottwatkins

Initial Code
 * ActionScript 3 Call a Function by String Representation of Function Name
 * This will allow you to execute a function if you only have the function name
 * as a string. The compiler won't catch any issues with this, so be careful with
 * it. However, it can save a lot of time and code if used correctly.
 * The first argument to "apply" is the object that the function should apply to
 * The second argument is an Array object of arguments to pass to the function
var functionName:String = "myFunction";
var containerObject:Object = myContainerObject;

if (containerObject.hasOwnProperty(functionName))
    containerObject[functionName].apply(null, [ args ]);
    trace("Cannot call function: " + functionName + " does not exist in " +;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
ActionScript 3 Call a Function by String Representation of Function Name

Initial Tags
actionscript, function

Initial Language
ActionScript 3