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Revision: 45170
at April 26, 2011 22:10 by LemonPro

Initial Code

//$HTML_Code is where the actual HTML table goes
//If you don't add a border around your table the border won't show up when you //download the excel file.

$HTML_Code = "
<table style=\"border: 2px solid black;\">
<td>Row1 Col1</td>
<td>Row1 Col2</td>
<td>Row1 Col3</td>
<td>Row2 Col1</td>
<td>Row2 Col2</td>
<td>Row2 Col3</td>

//$Build file will create the excel file called file_name.xls
//$Build file doesn't add the contents/code into the file.

$Build_File = fopen('file_name.xls', 'w');

//$Edit_File add the HTML table to the excel file.

$Edit_File = fwrite($Build_File,$HTML_Code);



Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
HTML table with PHP

Initial Tags
table, html

Initial Language