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Revision: 44706
at April 16, 2011 01:32 by prwhitehead

Initial Code
* usage: 
* $txt = new($post->post_content, 50, 'Read in full', '<span class="readmore">', '</span>', '<a><span>');
* echo $text->createExcerpt(); 

class text{
	public $text;
	public $length;
	public $allowedTags;
	public $readMoreText;
	//create internal variables from those passed to the class
	function __construct($text = '', 
	$length = 50, 
	$readMoreText = 'Read In Full...', 
	$before = '',
	$after = '',
	$allowedTags = '<a>') {
			$this->text  = $text; 
			$this->length = $length; 
			$this->readMoreText = $readMoreText;
			$this->before = $before;
			$this->after = $after;
			$this->allowedTags = $allowedTags;	
		//shorten text to required length
		public function shortenText() {			
			//explode the string into an array of the length we want
			if (count(explode(' ', $this->text)) > $this->length)
				$textArray = explode(' ', $this->text, $this->length);
				//remove the excess string from the end of the array
				//create a string from the array
				$textString = implode(' ', $textArray);
				//cleaning up
				return $textString . '... ';
				return $this->text;	
		//remove tags and other.
		public function cleanText($text){
			//strip the text of html tags, except those we want
			$strippedText = strip_tags($text, $this->allowedTags);
			//remove [] and their content
			$strippedText = preg_replace('`\[[^\]]*\]`','',$strippedText);
			return $strippedText;			
		//create output
		public function createExcerpt(){
			global $post;

				//create output
				$output = '';
				$output .= $this->cleanText($this->shortenText());
				if($this->readMoreText !== '') 
					$output .= $this->before;
					$output .= '  <a href="'.  $post->guid .'" title="'. $this->readMoreText . ': '. $post->post_title .'">'. $this->readMoreText . '</a>';
					$output .= $this->after;
			return $output;	
}//end class//

Initial URL

Initial Description
Create excerpts from text block from your wordpress content and add links page / post from the guid.

Initial Title
Wordpress: Text Excerpts with PHP

Initial Tags
php, wordpress, text

Initial Language