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Revision: 44565
at April 14, 2011 03:42 by anarres

Initial Code
# Userful:

from xml.etree import ElementTree

foo = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ApiResponse Status="OK" xmlns="">
  <Errors />
  <Warnings />
    <DomainCheckResult Domain="" Available="false" />

tree = ElementTree.fromstring(foo)
print tree

for node in tree.getiterator():
    print node.tag, ": ", node.attrib

print "\n--------------------\n"

for node in tree.getiterator():
    if "Available" in node.attrib.keys():
        print node.attrib["Available"]

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Parsing XML from NameCheap that says my domain is not available

Initial Tags
python, xml

Initial Language