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Revision: 5298
at February 25, 2008 14:47 by nijgnet

Initial Code
 * Grabs the text content from a Page that is meant to be a blurb
 * on another Page.
 * 1. Create a Page and insert text to be used as the blurb.
 * 2. Give the post slug a name.
 * 3. Call get_blurb() from where the blurb should be inserted.
 * @param pagename - post slug of the Page
 * @param keeptags - tag list to allow in the text
 * @return String - the blurb
function get_blurb ($pagename, $keeptags='')
    $q = new WP_Query('pagename='.$pagename);
    $content = '';
    if ($content = $q->queried_object->post_content)
        $content = strip_tags($content, $keeptags);
    else {
        $content = 'This blurb does not exist. ';
    return $content;

function beautify_blurb ($content, $isIndex=FALSE)
    if ($isIndex) {
        return preg_replace('/^<strong>/i', '<strong class="intro">',$content);
    else {
        return preg_replace('/^<p><strong>/i', '<p class="intro"><strong>',$content);

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Grabs the textual content of a Post and style it

Initial Tags

Initial Language