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Revision: 44433
at April 11, 2011 21:41 by wildpeaks

Updated Code
 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function MODULENAME_menu(){
	return array(
		'admin/content/create' => array(
			'title' => 'Create',
			'description' => 'Create contents',
			'access callback' => 'menu_valid_path',
			'access arguments' => array(
				array('link_path' => 'node/add')
			'page callback' => 'drupal_goto',
			'page arguments' => array('node/add'),

Revision: 44432
at April 11, 2011 21:40 by wildpeaks

Initial Code
 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function MODEULENAME_menu(){
	return array(
		'admin/content/create' => array(
			'title' => 'Create',
			'description' => 'Create contents',
			'access callback' => 'menu_valid_path',
			'access arguments' => array(
				array('link_path' => 'node/add')
			'page callback' => 'drupal_goto',
			'page arguments' => array('node/add'),

Initial URL

Initial Description
**Important: this snipplet has moved to Github.**

 - [Add a shortcut to "Create Node" at /admin in Drupal 6](

Initial Title
Drupal 6: Add a shortcut to \"create node\" in the Admin page for users that have the permission to create at least one type

Initial Tags

Initial Language