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Revision: 44281
at April 9, 2011 04:15 by jdevcl

Updated Code
	CFWheels Controller/Action Base File Creator

	1) Set variable "outputFolderPath" to your "output" folder
	2) Set variable "controllers" by starting a new controller with @ 
		and then the list of actions.

<!--- User Defined Variables --->
<cfset outputFolderPath = "C:\wwwroot\">
<cfset controllers = "@Home,Index,Search

<!--- Loop thru controller "packages" (Controller+Actions)--->
<cfloop list="#controllers#" delimiters="@" index="oneSet">
	<cfset counter = 0>
    <cfset finalOutput = "<cfcomponent extends=""Controller"">
	<cffunction name=""init"">
		<!--- Code --->
    <!--- Loop thru actions of one controller--->
	<cfloop list="#oneSet#" delimiters="," index="oneSetDetails" >
    	<cfif counter eq 0>
             <cfset fileName = trim(oneSetDetails)&".cfm">
             <cfoutput><h1>Controller: #fileName#</h1></cfoutput>        
            <cfset finalOutput &= "
	<cffunction name="""&trim(oneSetDetails)&""">
		<!--- Code --->
        	<cfoutput><h2>Action: #oneSetDetails#</h2></cfoutput>                
        <cfset counter++>
    <cfset finalOutput &= "
    <cfset filePath = outputFolderPath & fileName>
	<cffile action="write" file="#filePath#" output="#finalOutput#">

Revision: 44280
at April 9, 2011 00:38 by jdevcl

Initial Code
	CFWheels Controller/Action Base File Creator

	1) Set variable "outputFolderPath" to your "output" folder
	2) Set variable "controllers" by starting a new controller with @ 
		and then the list of actions.

<!--- User Defined Variables --->
<cfset outputFolderPath = "C:\wwwroot\">
<cfset controllers = "@Home,Index,Search

<!--- Loop thru controller "packages" (Controller+Actions)--->
<cfloop list="#controllers#" delimiters="@" index="oneSet">
	<cfset counter = 0>
    <cfset finalOutput = "<cfcomponent extends=""Controller"">
	<cffunction name=""init"">
		<!--- Code --->
    <!--- Loop thru actions of one controller--->
	<cfloop list="#oneSet#" delimiters="," index="oneSetDetails" >
    	<cfif counter eq 0>
	        <cfset fileName = trim(oneSetDetails)&".cfm">
			<cfoutput><h1>Controller: #fileName#</h1></cfoutput>        
			<cfset finalOutput &= "
	<cffunction name="""&trim(oneSetDetails)&""">
		<!--- Code --->
			<cfoutput><h2>Action: #oneSetDetails#</h2></cfoutput>                
        <cfset counter++>
    <cfset finalOutput &= "
    <cfset filePath = outputFolderPath & fileName>
	<cffile action="write" file="#filePath#" output="#finalOutput#">

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
CFWheels Controller/Action Base File Creator

Initial Tags

Initial Language