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Revision: 43383
at March 23, 2011 04:44 by chrisaiv

Initial Code
chrisaiv$ /Location/to/AdobeAIRSDK_2.6/bin/adt -package -target ipa-test -provisioning-profile /Location/to/Provision.mobileprovision -storetype pkcs12 -keystore /Location/to/Certificates.p12 -keypass password NameOfApp.ipa ApplicationDescriptor-app.xml -C /Location/to/NameOfApp.swf Default.png [email protected] icons

Initial URL

Initial Description
Adobe AIR 2.6 was just released and it includes a couple of new features for iOS such as camera, video, and keyboard support but for now, you'll need to compile using command-line ADT.  Here's a simple example showing you how to  compile in test-mode. Note: you'll only need to do this if you want to still use Flash Professional.  If you choose Flash Builder or Flex Builder, there are tools available that make things easier.

Initial Title
Command Line: Compiling for iOS4 using AIR 2.6

Initial Tags
flash, ios

Initial Language