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Revision: 43352
at May 9, 2011 20:01 by arunpjohny

Updated Code
//Download the tcnative dll file from
//Place the dll file in the tomcat bin folder
//Create a setenv.bat file
//Add the following script to the setenv.bat file
set PATH=%PATH;D:\Tomcat\bin
//If you want to work with APR in eclipse add the tomcat/bin directory to system Path variable and restart eclipse.

Revision: 43351
at March 22, 2011 14:32 by arunpjohny

Initial Code
//Download the tcnative dll file from
//Place the dll file in the tomcat bin folder
//Create a setenv.bat file
//Add the following script to the setenv.bat file
set PATH=%PATH;D:\Tomcat\bin

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Enable Native APR support in Apache Tomcat

Initial Tags

Initial Language