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Revision: 42073
at February 26, 2011 08:48 by marktaichen

Initial Code
public class GreaterThanNullableDate<T> : PropertyValidator
        private Expression<Func<T, DateTime?>> mTarget;
        public GreaterThanNullableDate(Expression<Func<T, DateTime?>> expression)
            : base("Property {PropertyName} greater than another date!")

            mTarget = expression;

        protected override bool IsValid(PropertyValidatorContext context)
            Func<T, DateTime?> oFunc = mTarget.Compile();
            //Type oType = mTarget.Parameters[0].Type;
            DateTime? oTargetDateTime = oFunc.Invoke((T)context.Instance);

            DateTime? oSource = context.PropertyValue as DateTime?;

            if (oSource != null && oTargetDateTime != null)
                if (oSource < oTargetDateTime)
                    return false;

            return true;
    public static class DefaultValidatorExtensions
        public static IRuleBuilderOptions<T, DateTime?> GreaterThanNullableDate<T>(this IRuleBuilder<T, DateTime?> ruleBuilder, Expression<Func<T, DateTime?>> expression) //Expression<PropertySelector<T, DateTime?>> expression)//Expression<Func<T, DateTime?>> expression) 

            return ruleBuilder.SetValidator(new GreaterThanNullableDate<T>(expression));
        public partial class NIBRSMasterValidator : AbstractValidator<NIBRSMaster>
    {//only good for NIBRSoffense which means only basic data, nothing about selected code objects. 
        public NIBRSMasterValidator()
            RuleFor(p => p.IncidentDateTime).Must(NotBeFutureDate).WithMessage("NIBRS incident date time: No future date allowed.");
            RuleFor(p => p.IncidentDateTime).GreaterThanNullableDate(p => p.ExceptionalClearanceDateTime).WithMessage("NIBRS incident date cannot be earlier than exceptional clearance date.");
        private bool NotBeFutureDate(DateTime? pValue)
        {//where can i move this to? to share. AbstractValidator?

            if (pValue > DateTime.Now)
                return false;

            return true;


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Initial Description

Initial Title
Fluent Validation extension method

Initial Tags
validation, extension

Initial Language