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Revision: 5004
at February 4, 2008 04:18 by berkes

Initial Code
mysql -u[username] -p[password] -h[host] [databasename] -e "show tables like 'foo_%';" -N | awk '{ print "DROP TABLE " $1 ";" };' | mysql -u[username] -p[password] -h[host] [databasename]

Initial URL


Initial Description
This script removes (DROPS) all tables that start with foo_. Usefull if you had some CMS or application that (ab)uses table prefixing, and want to clean 0ut your database.

NOTE: the data is remove FOREVER! So take good casre: make backups and all the likes. Try on a test-database first!

Initial Title
Remove all tables with a certain pattern from the database

Initial Tags

Initial Language