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Revision: 41042
at February 11, 2011 07:07 by bits

Updated Code
CFileDialog m_idFile( true, "exe", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY,
"Executables (*.exe)|*.exe|", AfxGetMainWnd());

// here comes the important line
m_idFile.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = "C:\\winnt";

if (m_idFile.DoModal()==IDOK)

Revision: 41041
at February 11, 2011 04:08 by bits

Initial Code
CFileDialog m_idFile( true, "exe", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY,
"Executables (*.exe)|*.exe|", AfxGetMainWnd());
m_idFile.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = "C:\\winnt";

if (m_idFile.DoModal()==IDOK)

Initial URL

Initial Description
This shows how to define the directory where the MFC file dialog should start.

Initial Title
CFileDialog with Directory preset

Initial Tags

Initial Language