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Revision: 4981
at February 1, 2008 06:35 by imhugo

Initial Code
// ************************************************** // 
// Author: ImHugo
// URL:
// ************************************************** // 

// Vars
var arrayToRandom:Array = new Array();
var qRequired:Number = 5;

// Inserts Numbers in Array
for(var i:Number = 1; i<=qRequired; i++)
	arrayToRandom.push( i );

// Outputs numbers non-repeated
for(var k:Number = 1; k<=qRequired; k++)
	// Search for value inside the Array in a random position
	var randomPos:Number = Math.floor( Math.random() * arrayToRandom.length );
	// Selects value and removes it from Array
	var valueFromArray = arrayToRandom.splice(randomPos, 1);
	// Converts value in number
	var numberRand = parseInt(valueFromArray);

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Non-repeated random numbers

Initial Tags

Initial Language