Revision: 40861
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at February 9, 2011 02:09 by gunshit
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form convert_otf_pdf *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form convert_otf_pdf tables itp_otf structure itcoo itp_soli structure soli. data: itl_tline type standard table of tline with header line, itl_solix type standard table of solix with header line. data: doc_size(12) type c. data: begin of isl_fich, cont_tot type i, cont_tmp type i, end of isl_fich. data: lv_bin_file type xstring. field-symbols: <ptr_hex> type solix. data: str_acp like arc_params. data: str_aci like toa_dara. call function 'CONVERT_OTF_AND_ARCHIVE' exporting arc_p = arc_params arc_i = toa_dara format = 'PDF' * ARC_TAB = * ARCHIVE_COPIES = ' ' * MAX_COPIES = '001' tables otf = itp_otf exceptions error_archiv = 1 error_communicationtable = 2 error_connectiontable = 3 error_kernel = 4 error_parameter = 5 error_format = 6 others = 7 . call function 'CONVERT_OTF' exporting format = 'PDF' importing bin_filesize = doc_size bin_file = lv_bin_file tables otf = itp_otf lines = itl_tline exceptions err_max_linewidth = 1 err_format = 2 err_conv_not_possible = 3 err_bad_otf = 4 others = 5. while isl_fich-cont_tot < doc_size. isl_fich-cont_tmp = isl_fich-cont_tot + 255. if isl_fich-cont_tmp > doc_size. isl_fich-cont_tmp = strlen( lv_bin_file+isl_fich-cont_tot ). itl_solix-line = lv_bin_file+isl_fich-cont_tot(isl_fich-cont_tmp) . append itl_solix. exit. else. itl_solix-line = lv_bin_file+isl_fich-cont_tot. isl_fich-cont_tot = isl_fich-cont_tmp. append itl_solix. endif. endwhile. loop at itl_solix. assign itp_soli to <ptr_hex> casting. move itl_solix to <ptr_hex>. append itp_soli. endloop. endform. " convert_otf_pdf
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ABAP - Generar OTF y Archivar
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