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Revision: 40772
at February 20, 2011 05:33 by jm1248

Updated Code

<script type="text/javascript">

function htmlview($text)
///////////// Show and tell //////////////
 htmlversion = htmlify($text); // Convert the Test Text to HTML
 raw.value = ""; // Clear the Raw HTML box
 raw.value = htmlversion; // Show the raw HTML from this pass
 Browser_View.innerHTML = raw.value; // Show as a browser would see it.

function htmlify($text)
  var tlnk = new Array; //Create an array to hold the potential links
  var hlnk = new Array; //Create an array to hold the HTML translation

 // First, translate special characters to HTML
  $text = spchrs2html($text);

 // Loop through the clear text 
  var i = 0;
  for (i=0;i<4;i++) // Set ;i<20; to a reasonable limit here
  // Get a potential link and mark where it came from
   $text = $text.replace(/(\S+\.\S+)/,"<"+i+">"); // look for dots that are surrounded by non-whitespace characters
   tlnk[i] = RegExp.$1;
  } // EOLoop
  ac = i;
//?** too many loops - need a break **
 // Loop through the array of potential links and make replacements
  for (i=0;i<ac;i++)
   // If this is a number, (e.g. 6.4sec; $5.00 etc.) OR too short; restore original and skip it
   if (tlnk[i].search(/\d\.\d/)>-1 || tlnk[i].length <5) // Search for digit.digit OR len < 5 in this potential link
    $text = $text.replace("<"+i+">", tlnk[i]);
   // Make this URL into a real link - move brackets and punctuation outside of the anchor tag
   htm = makelink(tlnk[i]);
   $text = $text.replace("<"+i+">", htm);

 // Now put the breaks on
  $text = $text.replace(/\n/g,"<br/>");
 // And deal with multiple spaces
  $text = $text.replace(/\ \ /g," &nbsp;");
 // And any other specials
  $text = $text.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
  $text = $text.replace(/\$/g,"&#36;");

  return $text;

function makelink(txt) // Make a real link from this potential link
   txt = html2spchrs(txt); // Undo any html special characters in this link
   var i = 0;

 // Clean the front end
   pN = txt.length-1;
   for (i=0;i<pN;i++)
    ch = txt.substr(i,1); // Look at each character
    if (\w/)>-1) break; // Stop looping when a word char is found
   prea = txt.substring(0,i); // Copy the pre anchor stuff
   prea = spchrs2html(prea) // Redo any html special characters in this link
   txt = txt.substr(i); // Trim the preamble from the link

 // Clean the trailing end
   for (i=pN;i>0;i--)
   ch = txt.substr(i,1); // Look back at each character
   if (\w|_|-|\//)>-1) break; // Loop until a legal trailing char is found
   posta = txt.substring(i+1); // Copy the post anchor stuff
   posta = spchrs2html(posta) // Redo any html angle bracket codes in this link

  turl = txt.substring(0,i+1); // and detach it from the rest - this is the legit URL

 // If the URL is an email address, link as a mailto:
  if (>0)
   tlnk = "<a href='mailto:"+turl+"'>"+turl+"</a>";
   return prea+tlnk+posta;
 // Not a mailto, treat as a document URL
 hurl = ""
  if (\w+:\/\//)<0) hurl = "http://"; // Add http:// if no xxxx:// already there
  tlnk = "<a href='"+hurl+turl+"'>"+turl+"</a>";
 return prea+tlnk+posta;

function spchrs2html(str)
  str = str.replace (/&/g, "&amp;");
  str = str.replace (/</g, "&lt;"); // Convert angle brackets to HTML codes in string
  str = str.replace (/>/g, "&gt;");
  return str;

function html2spchrs(str)
  str = str.replace (/&lt;/g, "<"); // Undo any angle bracket codes in this link
  str = str.replace (/&gt;/g, ">");
  str = str.replace (/&amp;/g, "&");
  return str;


<body onload='htmlview(test.value)'>

///////////// Show and tell //////////////<br/>
Test Text
<textarea id='test' rows='5' cols='60'>
Try this: ( if not, then 
ask Jimmy B <> 
the FTP link is  Did you
see this


<textarea id='raw' rows='5' cols='90'>

<b>Browser View</b>
<div id='Browser_View'>

<h2 style= 'margin-left: 2%; width: 50%; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 1.2em'>Notes:</h2>
<p style= 'margin-left: 4%; width: 50%; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 0.9em';>
Use your browser's View Source function, copy all and paste into a text editor.
Save it as <b>htmlify_reference.html</b> and then as htmlify-1.html for your working copy.
JavaScript can be maddening - a slight mistake anywhere can result in nothing working.
Make sure you have a working version to use as a return point.
By all means improve on this project but please post your improvements in this thread.
There is no restriction on any legitimate use of this material.  Feel free to spread it


Revision: 40771
at February 8, 2011 01:09 by jm1248

Initial Code


function clickify_links($text)
 return $text.replace(/((https?:\/\/)?([-\w]+\.[-\w\.]+)+\w(:\d+)?(\/([-\w\_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)*)/gim, "<a href='http://"+"$1"+"'>"+"$1"+"</a>");

function test()
 $text = "your-site,net bb dd! ...<br/>"
 $text = $text+"! <br/>"
 $text = $text+" <= captures last punctuation mark <br/>"
 res = clickify_links($text)


<body onload='test()'>


Initial URL


Initial Description
Hopefully this covers just about everything.   This code has far more lines than htmlify.js but seems to work ok.

(I  just remembered that " // Loop through the clear text " has no loop breaker - will post a fix, but it's not a show-stopper for most applications.)

As far as I can tell;

brackets are dealt with properly
punctuation is moved away from the link.

This script is actually an HTML document that contains test
patterns with raw and browser-view outputs.

Comments are welcome.

Initial Title
Text to HTML in JavaScript

Initial Tags
url, links

Initial Language