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Revision: 40529
at September 17, 2011 07:43 by typomatic

Updated Code
// Equalize column heights
var max = 0;
$('#list, #of, #elements').each(
		max = Math.max( max, $(this).height() );
		'height': max

Revision: 40528
at February 5, 2011 07:11 by typomatic

Updated Code
// Equalize column heights
var tallest = 0;
$('#list, #of, #elements')
		var thisHeight = $(this).outerHeight();
		if (thisHeight > tallest) tallest = thisHeight;
		'overflow': 'auto',
		'height': tallest

Revision: 40527
at February 5, 2011 05:23 by typomatic

Updated Code
// Equalize column heights
var tallest = 0;
$('#list, #of, #elements')
		var thisHeight = $(this).height();
		if (thisHeight > tallest) tallest = thisHeight;
		height: thisHeight

Revision: 40526
at February 3, 2011 05:49 by typomatic

Initial Code
// Equalize column heights
var tallestColumnHeight = 0;
$('#list, #of, #elements')
		var thisColumnHeight = $(this).height();
		tallestColumnHeight = (thisColumnHeight >= tallestColumnHeight) ? thisColumnHeight : tallestColumnHeight;
		height: tallestColumnHeight

Initial URL

Initial Description
There isn't really anything here that others haven't already accomplished in plugin form. I needed something simple that could be easily stored, retrieved, and reused.

Initial Title
Equalize column heights

Initial Tags

Initial Language