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Revision: 40444
at February 2, 2011 16:05 by brandonjp

Updated Code
Data Types for DB, MySQL, SQLite, PHP, Ruby, Rails, JS, etc.


from Ruby on Rails Guides: Migrations

The types supported by Active Record are :primary_key, :string, :text, :integer, :float, :decimal, :datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date, :binary, :boolean.


from Rails Migrations

Migrations support all the basic data types: string, text, integer, float, datetime, timestamp, time, date, binary and boolean:

string 	- is for small data types such as a title.

text	- is for longer pieces of textual data, such as the description.

integer	- is for whole numbers.

float 	- is for decimals.

timestamp - store the date and time into a column.

time 	- store either the date only or time only.

binary 	- is for storing data such as images, audio, or movies.

boolean	- is for storing true or false values.

Revision: 40443
at February 2, 2011 06:16 by brandonjp

Initial Code
Data Types for DB, MySQL, SQLite, PHP, Ruby, Rails, JS, etc.

from Rails Migrations

Migrations support all the basic data types: string, text, integer, float, datetime, timestamp, time, date, binary and boolean:

string 	- is for small data types such as a title.

text	- is for longer pieces of textual data, such as the description.

integer	- is for whole numbers.

float 	- is for decimals.

timestamp - store the date and time into a column.

time 	- store either the date only or time only.

binary 	- is for storing data such as images, audio, or movies.

boolean	- is for storing true or false values.

Initial URL


Initial Description
Data Types for DB, MySQL, SQLite, PHP, Ruby, Rails, JS, etc. because I forget them sometimes

from Ruby on Rails Guides: Migrations

from Rails Migrations

Initial Title
Data Types for DB, MySQL, SQLite, PHP, Ruby, Rails, JS, etc. because I forget them sometimes

Initial Tags
mysql, js, php, data, rails, ruby

Initial Language