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Revision: 40304
at January 29, 2011 09:02 by alfirth

Initial Code

use strict;
use warnings;

die "usage $0 <input> <output>\n" unless ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[1]);

my $input = shift;
my $output = shift;

open (INPUT, '<', $input) or die "$input could not be opened for reading$!\n";
open (OUTPUT, '>', $output) or die "$output could not be opened for writing$!\n";

my %products;
while (<INPUT>) {
	#initialize a hash of arrays keyed by product, with an array of all filenames for that product
	if (m/ (\w*?)_.*sql/) {
		my $product = $1;
		if (m/ (${product}_02.*?sql)$/) {
			$products{$product} = [] unless defined $products{$product};
			push ( @{ $products{$product} }, $1 );

#print the largest element of the array for each product
foreach (values %products) {
	local $\ = "\n";
	print OUTPUT (sort( @{$_ } ))[-1];

Initial URL


Initial Description


Initial Title
chomp text files and return regex matches by product

Initial Tags

Initial Language