Return to Snippet

Revision: 40287
at January 28, 2011 22:52 by hussong

Initial Code
<?php elseif ( in_category('6') ) : ?>

		<div class="navigation-links">
      <?php previous_post_link_plus( array(
        'order_by' => 'custom',
        'meta_key' => 'Datum',
        'format' => '%link',
        'link' => '&laquo; Vorige',
        'before' => '<span class="previous">',
        'after' => '</span>',
        'in_same_cat' => true,
        ) );?>
      <?php next_post_link_plus( array(
        'order_by' => 'custom',
        'meta_key' => 'Datum',
        'format' => '%link',
        'link' => 'Nächste &raquo;',
        'before' => '<span class="next">',
        'after' => '</span>',
        'in_same_cat' => true,
        ) );?>
		</div><!-- .navigation-links -->

Initial URL

Initial Description
Custom sorting for events based on a custom field
needs to be added to navigation-links.php
requires plugin:

Initial Title
Custom sorting for previous/next post links

Initial Tags
wordpress, navigation, order

Initial Language