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Revision: 40051
at March 22, 2011 15:00 by arunpjohny

Updated Code

user readonly
admin readwrite

user user
admin password

//In windows to resolve the exception related to file protection
//In command prompt go to the folders where the jmx password and access files are kept then
cacls jmx.password /P <username>:R
cacls jmx.access /P <username>:R

Revision: 40050
at February 2, 2011 00:31 by arunpjohny

Updated Code

user readonly
admin readwrite

user user
admin password

Revision: 40049
at February 2, 2011 00:29 by arunpjohny

Updated Code

user readonly
admin readwrite

user user
admin password

Revision: 40048
at January 25, 2011 14:51 by arunpjohny

Initial Code

Initial URL

Initial Description
This will enable jmx in port 5555 with authentication enabled. In windows systems you may get an exception related to file access permissions. To solve this exceptions use the command `cacls jmx.password /P <username>:R` and `cacls jmx.access /P <username>:R`. Ref:

Initial Title
How to enable  JMX with authentication

Initial Tags

Initial Language