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Revision: 39832
at January 21, 2011 11:20 by GeekOfWeb

Updated Code
Plugin Name: CW Wordpress Sayac
Plugin URI:,0.cwx
Description: Wordpress Ziyaretci Sayac Eklentisi.
Author: CWSuskun (and Serkan Yildiz) Some optimization fixes. 
Author URI:

add_action('wp_meta', 'wordpresSayac');

function wordpresSayac() {
$veriler = fopen('bilgiler.txt', 'r'); 
$sayac = fread($veriler, filesize('bilgiler.txt'));

$veriler = fopen('bilgiler.txt', 'w'); 
$sayac_artir = $sayac+1;
fwrite($veriler, $sayac_artir);

echo "<br>Bu sayfa $sayac kere goruntulendi.";

* @author Serkan YILDIZ (fixed some optimization issues.)
function wordpressSayac()
	$file = fopen('bilgiler.txt','r+'); // open the file for reading and writing
	$iVisitors = fread($file, filesize('bilgiler.txt')); // read the file
	fwrite($file, (int)$iVisitors + 1); // update visitors count
	fclose($file); // close the file
	echo '<br/> Bu sayfa '.$iVisitors.' kere goruntulendi.';


Revision: 39831
at January 21, 2011 11:16 by GeekOfWeb

Initial Code
function wordpressSayac()
	$file = fopen('bilgiler.txt','r+'); // open the file for reading and writing
	$iVisitors = fread($file, filesize('bilgiler.txt')); // read the file
	fwrite($file, (int)$iVisitors + 1); // update visitors count
	fclose($file); // close the file
	echo '<br/> Bu sayfa '.$iVisitors.' kere goruntulendi.';

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
CWP Say.  (Fixed)

Initial Tags

Initial Language