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Revision: 39810
at January 21, 2011 07:19 by gobbledygook88

Initial Code
% Plots a histogram
%  + Frequency labels
%  + Bin edges

% Number of bins
binNumbers = 10;
% Load in data (single column data file)
data = load('data.out');

% Close any graphs currently open
close all;

% Plot histogram

% Run hist function again to grab bins
[n,xout] = hist(data,binNumbers);

% Set length of bins
binLength = length(xout);

% Make graph fullscreen
set(gcf, 'Position', get(0,'Screensize'));

% Graph labels

% Y-Offset value. Change accordingly
offsetY = 33;
% Put counts over the bars.
for bin = 1 : binLength
    caption = sprintf('%d', n(bin));
    text(xout(bin), n(bin)+offsetY, caption, 'VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');

% Bin edge variables
max   = max(data);
min   = min(data);
width = ( max - min ) / binNumbers;
ticks = min:width:max;

% Set new intervals
set(gca,'XTick', ticks);

Initial URL

Initial Description
Plots a histogram from an external file with the frequency of each bin shown above each bar. The XTick is also the intervals of the histogram.

Initial Title
Histogram Styles

Initial Tags

Initial Language