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Revision: 39127
at January 13, 2011 22:52 by Activetuts

Initial Code
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 20; i++)
    var displayObject:MyDisplayObject = new MyDisplayObject();
    displayObject.x = displayObject.width * ( i % 5 );
    displayObject.y = displayObject.height * Math.floor( i / 5 );

Initial URL

Initial Description
<p>This is a short way of positioning display objects in a grid layout. It makes use of the modulo operator (%) to position each display object along the x axis and the floor method of the Math class for the y position.</p>

<p>This example creates 20 instances of a custom display object called MyDisplayObject positioning each instance in a grid 5 columns wide. As you may have guessed, the two 5's in the snippet represent the number of columns in the grid.</p>

Initial Title
Position Display Objects in a Grid Layout

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3