Revision: 4768
Updated Code
at January 22, 2008 13:22 by eszpee
Updated Code
RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^tag/?$ /browse.html [L] RewriteRule ^tag/(.*)$ /mt/mt-search.cgi?tag=$1&blog_id=1&IncludeBlogs=1 [L] RewriteRule ^mt-static(.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)_(.*)$ $1-$2 [N]
Revision: 4767
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at January 20, 2008 14:15 by eszpee
Initial Code
RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^tag/?$ /browse.html [L] RewriteRule ^tag/(.*)$ /mt/mt-search.cgi?tag=$1&blog_id=1&IncludeBlogs=1 [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)_(.*)$ $1-$2 [N]
Initial URL
Initial Description
list the exceptions where you don't want to replace in the rewrite rules before the one that matches the underscore, and finish them with [L], otherwise they'll get replaced too. [N] means rerun the whole replacing stuff once the line matched... careful with that.
Initial Title
Replace _ with - in almost every url (plus nice tag urls in movabletype)
Initial Tags
replace, htaccess
Initial Language