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Revision: 38654
at January 6, 2011 04:07 by kapocrnic

Initial Code
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
//#include "b.h"
#include "c.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {

    btree drvce;

    InitB("korijen", &drvce);
    cout << "*******STVARANJE DJECE KORIJENA*******" << endl;
    CreateLeftB("1", RootB(&drvce), &drvce);
    CreateRightB("2", RootB(&drvce), &drvce);

    cout << "*******PROVJERA FUNKCIJA Lleft/RightChildB*******" << endl;
    node n1 = LeftChildB(RootB(&drvce), &drvce);    
    node n2 = RightChildB(RootB(&drvce), &drvce);
    cout << "*******STVARANJE UNUKA KORIJENA*******" << endl;

    CreateLeftB("3", n1, &drvce);
    CreateRightB("4", n1, &drvce); 

    CreateLeftB("6", n2, &drvce);
    CreateRightB("7", n2, &drvce); 
    cout << "******* ISPISIVANJE LABEL-A SVIH CVOROVA *******" << endl;
    cout << LabelB(RootB(&drvce), &drvce) << endl;
    cout << LabelB(n1, &drvce) << endl;
    cout << LabelB(n2, &drvce) << endl;
    cout << LabelB(LeftChildB(n1, &drvce), &drvce) << endl;
    cout << LabelB(RightChildB(n1, &drvce), &drvce) << endl;
    cout << LabelB(LeftChildB(n2, &drvce), &drvce) << endl;
    cout << LabelB(RightChildB(n2, &drvce), &drvce) << endl;

    cout << "******* TEST ParentB FUNKCIJE *******" << endl;
    cout << "Roditelj cvora n1 (oznaka 1) ima oznaku: " << LabelB(ParentB(n1, &drvce), &drvce) << endl;
    cout << "Roditelj cvora n2 (oznaka 2) ima oznaku: " << LabelB(ParentB(n2, &drvce), &drvce) << endl;

    cout << "******* TESTIRANJE BRISANJA CVOROVA *******" << endl;
    cout << "n1 i njegovo lijevo dijete su: ";

    if (LeftChildB(RootB(&drvce), &drvce) && LeftChildB(n1, &drvce)) {
        cout << "zivi i zdravi." << endl;
    else {
        cout << "obrisani!" << endl;

    DeleteB(n1, &drvce);
    cout << "n1 i njegovo lijevo dijete su: ";

    if (LeftChildB(RootB(&drvce), &drvce) || LeftChildB(n1, &drvce)) {
        cout << "zivi i zdravi." << endl;
    else {
        cout << "obrisani!" << endl;
    cout << "******* ISPIT ChangeLabelB FUNKCIJE *******" << endl;
    ChangeLabelB("Volim strukture podataka.", RootB(&drvce), &drvce);
    cout << LabelB(RootB(&drvce), &drvce) << endl;
    cout << "I to zavrsava nas test!" << endl;

    return 0;

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Initial Description

Initial Title
Test za b i c zadatak

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