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Revision: 38546
at January 5, 2011 01:18 by adrianparr

Initial Code
// Display as many blocks on the screen as will fit
var BLOCK_SIZE:Number = 1;
var BLOCK_BUFFER:uint = 3;
var blockSize:uint = this.inchesToPixels(BLOCK_SIZE);
var blockTotal:uint = blockSize + BLOCK_BUFFER;
var cols:uint = Math.floor(this.stage.stageWidth / blockTotal);
var rows:uint = Math.floor((this.stage.stageHeight) / blockTotal);
var blockXStart:uint = (this.stage.stageWidth - ((cols * blockSize) + ((cols - 1) * BLOCK_BUFFER))) / 2;
var blockX:uint = blockXStart;
var blockY:uint = ((this.stage.stageHeight) - ((rows * blockSize) + ((rows - 1) * BLOCK_BUFFER))) / 2;
for (var colIndex:uint = 0; colIndex < rows; ++colIndex) {
   for (var rowIndex:uint = 0; rowIndex < cols; ++rowIndex) {
      var block:Sprite = this.getBlock(blockSize);
      block.x = blockX;
      block.y = blockY;
      blockX += blockTotal;
   blockY += blockTotal;
   blockX = blockXStart;

function getBlock(blockSize:uint):Sprite
   var block:Sprite = new Sprite();;, 0, blockSize, blockSize);;
   block.cacheAsBitmap = true;
   return block;

function inchesToPixels(inches:Number):uint
   return Math.round(Capabilities.screenDPI * inches);

Initial URL

Initial Description
Taken from Christian Cantrell's Adobe article called 'Authoring mobile Flash content for multiple screen sizes'.

Initial Title
AS3 Fill Available Screen Area with Squares (Centred)

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3