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Revision: 38097
at December 25, 2010 03:56 by mooparmghor

Updated Code
Public Shared Function GetAssemplyPath(ByVal type As Object) As String
    '(Useful to get the path of references)
    'Pass an object of a type exists in the assembly you want to 
    'get its path, and it will return the location of the assembly.
    'ex : GetAssemplyPath(New System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)) 'To get the path for "System.Core.dll”
    Return (type.GetType().Assembly.Location())
End Function

Revision: 38096
at December 25, 2010 03:55 by mooparmghor

Updated Code
Public Shared Function GetAssemplyPath(ByVal type As Object) As String
    '(Useful to get the path of references)
    'Pass an object of a type exists in the assembly you want to 
    'get its path, and it will return the location of the assembly.
    'ex : GetAssemplyPath(New System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String))
    Return (type.GetType().Assembly.Location())
End Function

Revision: 38095
at December 25, 2010 03:54 by mooparmghor

Updated Code
Public Shared Function GetAssemplyPath(ByVal type As Object) As String
            '(Useful to get the path of references)
            'Pass an object of a type exists in the assembly you want to 
            'get its path, and it will return the location of the assembly.

            'ex : GetAssemplyPath(New System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String))
            Return (type.GetType().Assembly.Location())
End Function

Revision: 38094
at December 25, 2010 03:54 by mooparmghor

Initial Code
Public Shared Function GetAssemplyPath(ByVal type As Object) As String
            '(Useful to get the path of references)
            'Pass an object of a type exists in the assembly you want to 
            'get its path, and it will return the location of the assembly.

            'ex : GetAssemplyPath(New System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String))
            Return (type.GetType().Assembly.Location())
        End Function

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Initial Description

Initial Title
Get References Path

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