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Revision: 38068
at December 24, 2010 02:28 by MichaelM

Updated Code
window.onload = function(){

	var allowUnload = true;
	window.onbeforeunload = function(e){
		//allowUnload will allow us to see if user recently clicked something if so we wont allow the beforeunload.
			//message to be returned to the popup box.
			var message = 'Are you sure you want to leave this page message',
				e = e||window.event;
				e.returnValue=message; // IE
			return message; // Safari
	// We need this to allow us to see if user has clicked anywhere if user has clicked we wont allow beforeunload to run.
	document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].onclick = function(){
		allowUnload = false;
		//setTimeout so we can reset allowUnload incase user didn't leave the page but randomly clicked.
		setTimeout(function(){ allowUnload = true; },100);

Revision: 38067
at December 24, 2010 02:27 by MichaelM

Updated Code
window.onload = function(){

var allowUnload = true;
	window.onbeforeunload = function(e){
		//allowUnload will allow us to see if user recently clicked something if so we wont allow the beforeunload.
			//message to be returned to the popup box.
			var message = 'Are you sure you want to leave this page message',
				e = e||window.event;
				e.returnValue=message; // IE
			return message; // Safari
	// We need this to allow us to see if user has clicked anywhere if user has clicked we wont allow beforeunload to run.
	document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].onclick = function(){
		allowUnload = false;
		//setTimeout so we can reset allowUnload incase user didn't leave the page but randomly clicked.
		setTimeout(function(){ allowUnload = true; },100);

Revision: 38066
at December 24, 2010 02:11 by MichaelM

Initial Code
var allowUnload = true;

window.onbeforeunload = function(e){
		var message = 'Are you sure you want to leave this page message',
			e = e||window.event;
		return message;

window.onclick = function(){
	allowUnload = false;
	setTimeout(function(){ allowUnload = true; },100);

Initial URL

Initial Description
I needed a method to confirm unload of the site, but still allow the user to click around the site this was my method of doing so.

Initial Title
Confirm leaving your site onbeforeunload

Initial Tags

Initial Language